
Sunday, February 20, 2022


Fences are, in fact, a barrier element as well as the safety of buildings, including homes. The material of the fence must be sturdy for it to function properly. But now, as with minimalist turnstiles, fences are also used as an element of exterior decoration.

Not surprisingly, the fence is the first part of the house as seen from outside, and is also accessible from inside and outside the house. Minimalist gate doors are often used as the mainstay for a neat home look.

The minimalist turnstile model has a simple impression, but it's still tough and beautiful. Take a peek at the next minimalist gatedoor model as you have a shadow!

Minimalist gate made of wood combined with cement

Cement walls and minimalist wooden gatesarchitecturebeast.com

First of all, there are minimalist turnstile models made using natural wood for a warmer look. The leaf of the door has a simple square handle.

This minimalist gate is combined with cement material to protect the door area from exposure to rain and sunlight. Leave the cement exposed to make it look in harmony with the door. Add vines to make it look beautiful. As a result, the minimalist home looks more elegant in front.

Natural appearance with guaranteed safety

Stone fence and minimalist wooden gatekeribrownhomes.com

This minimalist gate is also made of wood. The vertical line pattern makes the door area look high. At first glance, it looks like a cube. This allows you to comfortably open the door lock in the event of rain or burning.

To the left and right of this minimalist gate are stacked natural stone walls. The stones stick neatly and fill the walls of the fence without the need for additional frames. If you want the look of your home to look natural, this is the perfect model.

Copper minimalist gate

Line pattern copper minimalist gatepinterest.com

Want a minimalist gate that's elegant and not too flashy? In that case, consider copper as the material for the gate.

The natural color of copper shines when exposed to sunlight. To make it look smoother, create a striped and square pattern like this. This minimalist turnstile ticket gate pattern makes it easy to open the lock from the outside, but make sure you have an alarm padlock and CCTV camera installed to avoid being the target of thieves. ..

Keep your privacy with glass ice

Minimalist turnstile ticket gate with black frame and ice glasspinterest.com

Glass material is also commonly used in minimalist turntiles. It looks simple and has a relaxed impression. However, the use of glass often reduces the privacy of homeowners. The solution is to use ice glass. This type of glass is slightly opaque. Privacy is maintained, but sunlight may pass through.

If you want to use it as an accent, you can do that too. Simply mix the glass material with wood and iron at the minimalist gate. Choose high quality glass that is hard to break.

Abstract cut minimalist turntiles

Minimalist turnstile ticket gate with abstract laser cutmaindoordesign.com

What do you think when you see this minimalist turnstile model? It may look very eccentric. But in reality, this concept is very simple.

Iron minimalist gate. Then give it an unplanned line pattern to make it look like an abstract painting.can Focal point Also for the exterior of a house!

You don't have to be afraid to be invaded like a fortress


Large residential properties require tall, large fences to make up for it. This is a minimalist turnstile model with high walls.

Concrete walls may look normal. But look at the minimalist gate. There is a roof about the size of a door. Seen from a distance, the door appeared to be facing up. For your safety, this fence is guaranteed to be anti-collision and anti-theft.

After seeing the above 6 minimalist turnstile models, do you already have a suitable fence for your dream home?

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/91256/model-pintu-pagar-minimalis

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