
Wednesday, January 26, 2022

See the history of the Witnesses of Silence, these six old buildings in Tangerang!

Almost every part of Indonesia has a collection of old buildings. Explore the various old buildings scattered throughout the city, including Tangerang, and see what history these buildings have to offer.

For reference, Kania recommends looking around the various old buildings in Tangerang to find a brief history of the existence of these buildings. For more information, see the following articles:

Calipasil Mosque

Old building of Jamikari Pasir Mosque in Tangerangsitebudaya.id

The first old building you can visit during your vacation in Tangerang is the Jamikari Pasir Mosque. This old building is the oldest mosque in the city of Tangerang and is a heritage of the Kingdom of Pajajaran.

Located east of Singai Cisadane, this old building has a unique architecture due to its Chinese elements and patterns that reflect the religious harmony of the time. Despite incorporating Chinese culture, Arabic calligraphy is still on display in the mosque building. So far, the Jamikari Pasir Mosque has served as a place of worship for Muslims, but it has not been used for Friday prayer activities.

Boen San Bio Temple

An old Chinese building called Boen San Bio Temple in Tangerangindonesiakaya.com

Located in the Pasar Barvillage area of ​​Tangerang, this historic old building was built in 1689 by a Chinese merchant named Lim Tau Koen. Originally built from bamboo and wood, the Boen San Bio Temple has undergone numerous renovations to increase its strength.

It is a historic old building that has a record of the heaviest incense in Indonesia. In front of the BoenSanBioTemple is also a recitation of Raden Surya Kencana, a celebrity who spread Islam in West Java. Muslims often come for pilgrimages.

Boentech Bio Temple

Old building of BoenTek Bio Temple in Tangerangindonesiakaya.com

Next is Klenteng Boen Tek Bio, the oldest temple in Tangerang. This has been since 1684 Lieutenant Or the landlord. This old building was originally a normal house, but in 1844 it was extensively renovated with the participation of a special Chinese expert.

Most interestingly, this old building also has a variety of ornaments and ornaments imported directly from China.

Heritage Fort Museum

Old building of the Tangerang Fort Heritage Museumentengheritage.com

If you stop by the city of Tangerang, you can also visit the Benteng Heritage Museum, which is a restored old building of traditional Chinese architecture that was first built in the 17th century. Initially it was a poorly maintained building, but Udaya Harim took it over, repaired it, and restored it to its original form.

As a result, this old building served as a museum and received many awards. One of them was ranked first at the 2012 FIABCI (Federation International des Administrateurs de Bien-Conselis Immobiliers) event.

Tenthruth Dam

Old building of 10 lock dams in TangerangIndonesia-tourism.com

This old building will serve as a dam for irrigating approximately 400,000 hectares of paddy fields in the Tangerang city area. First built in 1927 during the Dutch colonial era, this old building is also one of the icons of the city of Tangerang and uses a steel core concrete structure designed by Tillebon workers. You can visit an old building called Pasar Bar Irrigation Sisadan Dam in the Karawachi district of Tangerang.

Tangeran Station

Tangerang station in an old buildingindonesiakaya.com

Another old building included in Tangerang's cultural heritage is the station, built in 1889. Originally built of wood-based material, it has now been restored to a building with walls made of cement and brick. Stronger. Tangerang Station has been built for a long time, but it is still in active operation.

Now, the above six old buildings are included in the cultural heritage established by the Seran Archaeological Heritage Conservation Center (BP3S). Interested in one of the old historic buildings mentioned above?

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/89684/bangunan-tua-bersejarah-di-tangerang

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