
Saturday, January 22, 2022

A very natural house with bamboo water, this is how to grow it!

Three ways to grow Lucky bamboo

Lucky bamboo is classified as an ornamental plant. It generally looks like bamboo, except that it is small in size and can grow in water. The end of this bamboo stick is tapered.

Water bamboo is often used to decorate minimalist gardens, such as around ponds and fences. Some people put bamboo water in their homes based on their knowledge of Feng Shui. This plant is believed to bring happiness and prosperity to its owners.

Lucky bamboo does not lose its fame among the popularity of other plants. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with presenting this type of bamboo at home. The atmosphere of the dwelling will be more natural and aesthetic. Well, it's better to grow it yourself at home than to buy it. Now, find a way to grow water bamboo in the cania below!

Features of bamboo water

6 batanag of water bamboo plantbambooplantshq.com

Before explaining the cultivation method, we first need to know the characteristics of water bamboo. This bamboo plant can grow to a height of 3 meters. The leaves are thin and grow in the area of ​​the tube ring. The natural habitat of this ornamental plant is in swamps and riverbanks, even with watery sand. It is not surprising that this type of bamboo is planted not only in soil but also in water.

Lucky bamboo is classified as a strong plant. This means that they are also resistant to viruses, plant diseases, and pests. As a result, maintenance is easier.

Three Easy Ways to Cultivate Bamboo Water

Water bamboo plants on the table in the living roomltkcdn.net

Lucky bamboo can be cultivated in three basic ways: water medium, soil medium, and reaping. These three methods certainly require different tools and materials. Instead of intriguing, take a closer look at each of the methods below.

1. Plant bamboo water with water medium

Mini water bamboo plant on the tablelilacfb.com

First, let's explain how to grow water bamboo in water media. Using water does not mean that you can put it in the pool. This plant can actually rot if there is too much water.

The correct way is to prepare a flowerpot with no holes aimed at maintaining the amount of water. Arrange gravel and coral in a pot, sandwich water bamboo in the gaps between the rocks, and stand firmly. Next, pour 2-3 cm of water.

2. Plant bamboo water in soil medium

Lucky bamboo collectionthrfun.com

Now, with the method using soil medium, you need to choose healthy water bamboo sire and fresh green stalks. In addition, prepare soil, compost, and a pot with small holes.

In that case, put the planting medium in the prepared pot and plug the bamboo water at 3 cm intervals. Water this plant regularly to make sure that the soil is well preserved.

3. Cultivation with cuttings

Potted water bamboo plantltkcdn.net

It's time to grow Lucky bamboo from the collection using cuttings. The best time to cut cuttings is during the rainy season. Bamboo has a lot of water.

First, make sure that the age of the parent fish is in the range 1-2 years. Then choose a healthy stem and cut it to a length of 30 cm. If so, soak it in phytohormones, then cover the top with wax and leave it for 24 hours.

Prepare while waiting plastic bag It is filled with soil and compost. So, after 24 hours, put the water from the bamboo pieces into the planting medium. Water every day until the sprouts appear. However, do not delete the shoot immediately.Leave the bean sprouts inside plastic bag 1 year. This is so that the roots are fully grown and can continue to grow when transferred to a new pot.

Bamboo water treatment

Someone is taking care of water bambooltkcdn.net

Water bamboo planted using soil media should be watered daily. However, do not overdo it as it can rot. When cultivating using water media, be sure to change the water every week. This is done to keep the water clean and prevent the presence of mosquito larvae.

If you find a dry or rotten Lucky bamboo, remove the stem immediately to prevent infection to other culms. Don't forget to put this plant in a place with plenty of sunlight, OK!

Why isn't it difficult to grow bamboo water yourself at home? For a more beautiful look, you can choose a patterned or antique shaped ceramic pot. Good luck and feel the natural and aesthetic atmosphere of your home!

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Source : http://i0.wp.com/www.dekoruma.com/artikel/121133/cara-budidaya-bambu-air

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